Friday, October 31, 2008

Whats in the name...Sahyadri Collage - 3

Once I recovered from my injury I decided that I will no more play football. So from that day I too got into cricket. I used to play cricket occasionally, but was more into football. Manu was good in cricket & was a good bowler too. I guess he used to play in collage team. I started going to Manu's house in evenings & bunch of guys would play "road side" cricket there. Even in collage if some lecturer doesn’t turn up, we used to end up playing "pitch catch" cricket in "basket ball court"..!!
Though I was known as Ravi to everyone in collage, in my home I was "kiran". One day I asked Manu to come to my home & gave him the address. But he didn’t turn up. Next day when I met him in collage, he started blaming me for giving wrong address. Actually what has happened is he promptly came to my home, knocked the door & my sister answered him. He has asked for Ravi & my sister totally forgot my full name & has told Manu that no one by that name lives there. I was so much "kiran" than "ravi". Afterwards whenever he came home, he used to make it a point to loudly call me "RAVI" & say "everyone in your home need to remember that you are RAVIKIRAN…not just KIRAN".

1 comment:

Vishwanath.N said...

What's in a name that which is called a ROSE, any other name would smell as sweet- Shakespeare.

A good post.